외국에서 관심을 끄는 성재모동충하초(Cordyceps militaris)
2012년 10월 18일 목요일 맑음
횡성 섬강에서 열리는 횡성한우축제에서 동충하초를 홍보하고 와서 메일을 보니 외국에서 메일이 왔다. 성재모동충하초(Cordyceps militaris)에 대한 연구를 하고 싶으니 균주를 구입한다는 내용이다. 더욱 더 정진하여 동충하초의 중요성을 인식하게 하여 많은 사람들에게 도움을 줄 수 있는 유전자원이 되도록 노력을 하려고 한다.
Dear Professor Jae-Mo Sung
I would like to purchase one of a good strain of Cordyceps militaris from your institute for my research project. I have been involved in doing research in entomopathogenic fungi for about two decades which mainly dealing with anamorphs fungi, i.e Beauveria, Metarhizium, Paecilomyces, Isarea, etc for insects and mollusk pest control in agriculture.
However, after having studied some of your published articles, I have found that the beneficial of Cordyceps militaris, a teleomorphs form of fungus is very interesting. Not only uses for insect control but also for human health. The second reason attracted my attention in expanding our research unit into utilization of Cordyceps militaris for human health benefits which probably only one or two institutes in Thailand are studying it. Therefore, please kindly send me a quotation of a good Cordyceps militaris strain to be sent by FedEx.
Thank you in advanced for your collaboration
Mrs. Monchan Maketon, Ph.D
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